Welcome Friend!

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Provo, Utah, United States
Currently I am a work at home wife to the hottest and hardest working man I know. Until we have children we have found baby place-fillers in our puppy Maybe, three rats Ollie, Dew and Dash, our two turtles Turbie and Cootie and a few fish who will remain unnamed (because I forgot to ever name them). I struggle with depression, anxiety and related issues. My struggles do not define me. I am currently on a journey to further my self understanding and invite you to join me.


forget me not... Seeking Sunshine Escaping Depression




Geo said...

I am so grateful for that man, and for those truths. If I were to get a tattoo, it might be a little field of forget-me-nots, or a sparrow, to help remind me of my worth to God.

Bizz said...

Well I won't be the one to talk you into getting inked but i know a place... :) we can find ways to remember without making it forever on our skin. I guess not forever, for one day my body will be restored to its finest.