Welcome Friend!

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Provo, Utah, United States
Currently I am a work at home wife to the hottest and hardest working man I know. Until we have children we have found baby place-fillers in our puppy Maybe, three rats Ollie, Dew and Dash, our two turtles Turbie and Cootie and a few fish who will remain unnamed (because I forgot to ever name them). I struggle with depression, anxiety and related issues. My struggles do not define me. I am currently on a journey to further my self understanding and invite you to join me.


the calm AFTER the storm

During a hurricane the entire world seems to whirl in constant chaos. The howling of wind in the trees turns to full blown screams. Endless sheets of rain are only multiplied in chorus as it crashes onto windows and roofs in waves. The crack of branches giving way which have held strong and steadfast through many storms, until now. Thunder is a constant reminder of how incapable we are against the elements surrounding. Constant cacophony. And the darkness. Day and night blend together without much difference.

Then comes the first silence in days. Emerging outside there are so many reminders of the strong force which shook everything within its bounds. The air is still wet. You can smell it. But hope shines through the leaner trees. The sun is shining. People come out to rejoice. Birds are even chirping. The calm AFTER the storm.

I've no longer made it a secret that I have struggles. We all do. During the storms of our lives it seems impossible to cry out for help. White noise becomes so loud that we begin to believe no matter how loud we were to cry it would be in vain. There is someone there who will listen no matter how loud the cry or soft the whisper. Pray to Him. He will answer, always.

Prayers are answered in different ways, to different people, at different times.

Getting real can be real scary. It's no lie that some of my struggles are less than glamorous. It's real and I need real help. God has often best answered my prayers by guiding the right people into my life. People who have studied long and hard so they can know how to help. I have come so far since seeking help for depression, anxiety, food issues. My doctors, therapist, church leaders, and even you have been placed into my life as answers to prayers. These issues are bigger than me. I could not, can not conquer on my own. If you are struggling please seek help. It is hard to admit you might benefit with help from others. Sometimes we don't feel worth the effort of others. You are worth everything. It gets better. It gets easier.

This is a lifelong journey but through the help of others, most importantly professionals specializing in the areas in which I struggle, everyday I am learning and growing. I am not out of the woods, never will be, but I am proud to say I haven't purged in a month. Mark your victories for they will help you continue to progress, one day at a time.

Emotional health issues are real. They matter and there are people who can help.

Here is a place to start: http://www.providentliving.org/ses/emotionalhealth/0,12283,2112-1,00.html

Depression- http://www.providentliving.org/ses/media/articles/0,11275,2875-1---51,00.html

Anxiety and Fear- http://www.providentliving.org/ses/media/articles/0,11275,2875-1---40,00.html

Eating Disorders- http://www.providentliving.org/ses/media/articles/0,11275,2875-1---53,00.html


I love you and there are others waiting to offer you loving guidance and support.


Reach out for help.


Remember, you are never carrying these burdens alone.


RockStarr said...

How I need and enjoy your posts, it inspires me to do the same. You Ms. Elizabeth, were placed in my life for a reason too. We both love you here and pray for you often. I have my own struggles with D.I.D, otherwise known as multiple personality disorder. I used to fluxuate daily between personalities when I first came here, and before I came here I dwelled inside a personality that nearly destroyed me. The problem with multipules, is that it is a disorder that cannot be medicated, one personality needs an anti-anxiety, one needs an anti deppressent, etc, would I ever find me?? The answer was turning my life and will over to God. Only he could put people in my path, over and over and over, who did not judge or ridicule me. Finally, I have not switched alters for years. Your right, only God knows whom to put in your path for help. You, Ms. Elizabeth, have been a part of my journey, and I know your faith will guide you through til the end.

Unknown said...

I always think it's important to celebrate your progress - even if it's not the end goal, progress helps keep us on track! ;)

Kenna said...

Glad you've decided to share. Wonder what role I've played in all the chaos. Grateful you know that I did the best I knew how.

Love you a million red swedish fish!