Welcome Friend!

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Provo, Utah, United States
Currently I am a work at home wife to the hottest and hardest working man I know. Until we have children we have found baby place-fillers in our puppy Maybe, three rats Ollie, Dew and Dash, our two turtles Turbie and Cootie and a few fish who will remain unnamed (because I forgot to ever name them). I struggle with depression, anxiety and related issues. My struggles do not define me. I am currently on a journey to further my self understanding and invite you to join me.


Patience and Backing Up

Life lessons...


Sometimes we are given lessons we didn't realize we're needed so bad. Last night, while trying to improve the blog, I did a horrific thing without knowing why or how. I deleted all previous posts here on Seeking Sunshine.


Lessons I'm learning?

1) Patience

2) Always Save And Backup Your Work


Patience- In life, things don't always go our way. Things might not progress as quickly as we would hope. Things might even backtrack. Every time I am presented with situations falling within these categories I have a couple of options. First, I can panic. Hyperventilating, heart pounding, head spinning and nerves cringing. Second, I can take a deep breath, let out a sigh of frustration, then regroup. Typically I am one to quickly settle into the first option. This time, I was able to regroup. Not to say I haven't let out a few sighs of frustration but I haven't let it consume me. I will outsmart the machines and I will emerge from the victory with a trophy of a little more patience knowing I didn't let it consume me.


Always Backup Your Work- I'm a designer. I was raised by designers. What is a lesson taught since birth when you are raised by such? Save, save, save and backup, backup, backup. Why did I think my blog was immune to the cardinal rules? I'm now paying the ultimate price in the blog world. I lost everything. In the pursuit of higher search rank I took a misstep and in turn lost all of my previous work. What lesson was learned? I'm now saving my work to three different avenues. Lesson learned, once again.



What fun this night has been. This night which has turned to morning due to restoring and non-snoring. Long live the insomniac!


Man! Even Mona Lisa remembered to BACK IT UP!


Sherry said...

I am just as guilty, I just haven't been caught yet!

Geo said...

Mona, Mona, showing more skin than smile. But right she is about backing up. Sorry you had that trauma, but what a great chance to practice your coping skills. Good on ya, luv.

Bizz said...

Coping skills were practiced and no dishes were shattered... Chalk one up as a victory!